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Wednesday 31 August 2016

GCE:Commerce click now

By on 07:07
(i) No payment of rent
(ii) It is Door to Door service
(iii) Small capital is involve to set up
(iv) Consumable goods are sold majorly
-Land is a free gift of nature and also a place where
every other factors of productions take place.
-labour is both mental and physical input on the
factors of production
-capital is the amount invested in the factor of
-enterpreneur is the person responsible to supervise
all other factors of production
-Settlement of Debt
-medium of exchange
-unit of account
-store of value.
-It is saver to carry cheque than cash
-It is easy for drawer to stop payment so as to
prevent fraud
-Cheque can serve as a receipt and a proof of payment
-It is more convenient to carry chque about than cash
-cheque help to economise in the use of currency
notes and coins
-Cheque counterfoil slip can be used by drawer for
proper payment and receipt

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