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Sunday 20 March 2016


By on 14:58
In another victory for the Nigerian army, troops of 7 Brigade have ambushed and killed seven Boko Haram terrorists at Dawashi, Borno state on Sunday, March 20.
According to Colonel Kukasheka Usman, the troops laid in wait for the terrorists and attacked them when they appeared. He said: “The gallant troops that laid in wait at the terrorists suspected crossing point engaged them on sight, killed the 7 terrorists and recovered 1 Peugeot Station Wagon loaded with 2,010 litres of Premium Motor Spirit packed in 67 Jerri cans, uniforms, some materiels and Improvised Explosive making Devices (IEDs). “Others items recovered include, dry cell batteries, 1 AK-47 rifle, tools and fish.”


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